Sunday, July 20, 2008

Michael Savage is Taking Callers Again

Originally uploaded by "HELLBOUND"

Professional hater Michael Savage of "Savage Nation" on KNEW radio is taking calls from "listeners"

Monday to Friday 3pm to 7pm

Please tell him how much you love that he "savaged" 99% of all autistic children in America by saying that they were fakes.

If you're from San Francisco or are a lover of San Francisco, please call, write or fax KNEW on how much you appreciate their fine programming:

Talk910 KNEW
340 Townsend Street
San Francisco, CA 94107

Business Line: 415.975.5555
Fax Line: 415.975.5471

If you want to email the program director Clark Reid, it's simply

Savage is infamous for his brand of hate speech. Tell everyone you know that he not only owes autistic children an apology, but, since he's an egalitarian hater, the rest of America as well.

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