Hannity Gets Slaughtered by...Jesse Ventura
Jesse: Why Not Waterboard Sean?
Hannity: "I don't know why I like you, but I do."
Maybe Sean Hannity has been looking at provocative old photos of Jesse "The Body" Ventura. The following clip shows how reasonable Ventura is and how Hannity almost seems to be living in a fantasy world.
Notice one important omission: the subject of waterboarding NEVER CAME UP. Was it because Hannity made a promise to be warterboarded, but hasn't found the courage to set a date and time.
BTW: have you ever noticed that whenever Fox commentators are cornered on their own question, they collapse like a house of cards? It's true that Ventura is not light and witty; he's more a prize fighter in the ring. But his attitude frustrates people like Hannity.
Notice one important omission: the subject of waterboarding NEVER CAME UP. Was it because Hannity made a promise to be warterboarded, but hasn't found the courage to set a date and time.
BTW: have you ever noticed that whenever Fox commentators are cornered on their own question, they collapse like a house of cards? It's true that Ventura is not light and witty; he's more a prize fighter in the ring. But his attitude frustrates people like Hannity.
Do Fox commentators ever bother to watch their own shows and ANALYZE THEM? Do they adore themselves so much that they think their idiocies will be accepted offhand?
Just a thought.
Just a thought.