Saturday, October 11, 2008

Beware: Pitbull Palin and "Maverick" John McCain Will Be Feeding The Hate-Hungry Lions of Virginia Beach!

On Monday, Oct. 13

Sarah Palin's remarks about Barack Obama have incited rallies that shout "Kill him!" Of course, she may be too stupid to realize what her rhetoric is doing. If she is aware of its reaction, she's acting the part of a terrorist more than anyone she points to. She has assassinated Obama's character ad infinitum and it seems that she will not be silenced until Obama himself is assassinated.

I looked at the McCain-Palin schedule which panders to key states, but has also gone where hate group numbers and ratios are high.

One of the highest concentrations of hate groups in the country is Pat Robertson's area of Virginia Beach. There are 4 Neo-Nazi groups, several white nationalist groups and even TWO "radical traditional" Catholic groups (Sedevecantists). This area will be host to both John McCain and Sarah Palin on October 13th.

OMG! Add in Pat Robertson and the other 30 hate groups in the state (it's possible), this event might be more than just an Obama-bashing contest. Some students from Bob Jones University might also come to see the show with beer kegs and nooses in tow.

McCain-Palin rhetoric has unleashed a Pandora's box of people who hate the left, people who hate African Americans, people who hate gays, and just...people who hate.

(AP) "Senator Obama has a clear radical, far-left, pro-abortion record," McCain said after being asked about an issue.

The answer prompted a shower of boos from the crowd members. They booed again when he mentioned William Ayers, who bombed U.S. facilities to protest the Vietnam War as part of the domestic terrorist group the Weather Underground. They booed again at the mention of Rep. Barney Frank, a liberal from Massachusetts. (Who happens to be gay)
The crowd showed equal disdain for the media, fueled by comments from Palin, who encouraged the Republican supporters to take the campaign's message around the media. "I can't pick a fight with those who buy ink by the barrel," she said. "It's dangerous territory whenever I suggest the mainstream media isn't asking all the questions." (Aside: "mainstream" media can't ask HER questions because she's been made "off limits" by her own campaign)
That message was clearly shared among the crowd. Mike Payne, who traveled from Madison, Wis., for the rally, rejected the idea that McCain's supporters are angry, preferring to use the word "frustrated."

"It might have something to do with you guys," he told a reporter.
Ironic, isn't it? These are the very same people who scream "Why do you think every Republican's a rascist, homophobic, sexist hate-monger?"

Serious warning: reporters should wear protective gear if they're covering the McCain-Palin appearance in Virginia Beach, home of, well, a lot of Republicans.

I'm afraid. I'm very afraid.

Connecticut Joins Civilization

Hartford condos before gay marriage

....................and after!

Hey, Virginia, What's Keeping You?

(AP) HARTFORD, Conn. - A sharply divided Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Friday (Oct. 10, 2008) that gay couples have the right to get married, saying legislators did not go far enough when they approved same-sex civil unions that were identical to marriages in virtually every respect except the name.

Boy, will Tony Perkins be pissed! I'm sure FRC (Family Research Council) will fire off a fundraising newsletter about "activist judges" as soon aspossible!

"...identical to marriages in virtually every respect except the name." I love that. So what's in a name? Idea: maybe James Dobson of Focus on the Family should tell his followers to have their legislators RE-define one-man-one-woman marriages as "Pre-Gay Marriages"

"We perform only Pre-Gay Marriages at this church!"
"No, we decided on a Pre-Gay Marriage, didn't we honey? ...Honey?"
"Our event planners are experienced in both Pre-Gay and Gay Marriages!"

Seriously, Perkins et al keep saying that the "gay agenda" would re-define traditional marriage. I think he's scared that gay marriages might wind up lasting longer than straight ones. How would it re-define anything? Marriage is a commitment between two people who love each other. The one-man-one-woman "in love" concept has only been around for several hundred years. Two human beings committed to each other because of their love for one another has been around a lot longer.

Since the dawn of time.

Just a thought.