The Latest Christofascist Extortion Is Unbelievably OUTRAGEOUS!!
Or We'll Take You And Your Company Down!!"
This just in from
Yesterday, donors and supporters of Equality California began receiving threatening letters for their support of the statewide organizations efforts to protect LGBT youth and seniors from the "Yes on 8" campaign leadership.These letters threatened to "expose" the donors listed on Equality California's website if they don't donate to the "Yes on 8" campaign and refrain from supporting LGBT equality in the future.
The letter, sent on their campaign letterhead, was signed by four members of the group's executive committee and suggests our donors withdraw their support for their own good. It demands an equivalent donation or else:
"Were you to elect not to donate comparably, it would be a clear indication that you are in opposition to traditional marriage. You would leave us no other reasonable assumption. The names of any companies ... that choose not to donate ... to ... will be published."...We will contact you shortly to discuss your contribution."
This outrageous attempt to raise money by using threats reveals their true agenda: to permanently harm the LGBT community, our organizations, our allies and our supporters.