Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder

It's strange: I used to live in the world of books (even being a book publicist on Talk America Radio), but I've never really tauted a book like this on this site.

I will admit: I haven't read it yet. It came out three weeks ago, but I had no way of getting an advance copy, so I'll have to pay full price (there are really no "used" copies yet). What I've read of the book, however, is shocking. No, it doesn't impart Bush's real policies in any way we haven't heard before, but Bugliosi points out how naive the American public was about Iraq. O.K., I'll say it: how stupid Americans were about Iraq.

The author points out how the act of pre-emptive war was carried out with intent. This was, in fact, premeditated murder. Bush was the instigator and not just some duped accomplice. Bush brazenly lied to the American public about WMDs and the Iraq-9/11 connection. The author is a very successful criminal prosecutor. And since he lays out all the evidence in the way a prosecutor would, this book should be read by everyone, even those who constitute the choir.

I will read it.


Anonymous said...

Many will think this book is a partisan attack on Bush. Bugliosi says he would have written the book if it had been a Democratic president who committed these crimes. His only motive was his desire to seek justice for those soldiers lying in their graves and the families left grieving and broken.

I read the book and will pass it along to everyone I know who will read it. There was only a couple of points presented that I was not familiar with. The most shocking thing about it is having the many crimes laid out end to end.

Bugliosi has a rock solid case as he always does. I have no doubt that an attorney could get a conviction for murder-- after all, Bugliosi is also offering his expert help with the case.

DFV said...

I certainly hope someone is up to the challenge!