Friday, April 4, 2008

Speaking of Death...

Hey, Tony! Where were you 20 years ago?

Tony Perkins, as head of Focus on the Family's lobbying spin-off, Family Research Council, has today announced how "successful" its bids have been for more funding for AIDS prevention and awarness ($50 billion worldwide over a number of years) and keeping "abstinence only", faith-based bigoted programs while nixing family planning:

"Unlike previous versions, this House bill doesn't fund "family planning" services, ("Screw you Planned Parenthood!") although theres no explicit ban preventing it. After FRC went to bat for a continued emphasis on the abstinence and fidelity components, the end result is that both House and Senate bills (which is currently awaiting floor action) require a "balanced" approach to prevention.("Balanced? Sure, but that's only the beginning folks") While no fixed percentage is included, the abstinence strategy will retain its prominent place in "behavior change" programs. The conscience protection provision was also noticeably improved. Not only are faith-based groups exempt from performing activities with which they disagree, but the House and Senate bills also state that the government cannot discriminate against religious organizations as they seek funding. ("Tough shit, filthy homosexuals)...Until the final version passes in the Senate, FRC will continue its work with Congress and the administration to make those changes and to oppose any abortion provisions that Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) may try to sneak in." (Boxer is the spawn of Satan)

Squeaky-clean Boy never ceases to amaze people with non-sensical titles (presumably meant to be satirical), poor grammar and convoluted ideas of righteousness.

20 years ago? That was when Tony had just gotten out of JerryFalwell's Liberty University and worked for the Baton Rouge Police Force (but way before he was accused of giving David Duke $82000 for the KKK's mailing list to aid a political campaign he was working on). During that time frame Tony must have heard about the AIDS epidemic but decided to ignore it. Like many other "people of faith" he had an opportunity for a shining hour and blew it. Now he's attempting to look the part of the compassionate soldier of Christ.

Way to go Tony!

The entrance to Family Research Counil's Washington Headquarters trumpets "Faith - Family - Freedom" oddly flanked by two surveillance cameras.

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