Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Last 100 Days - Oh For a Napoleon!!

The Emperor NEVER Had Any Clothes!

Oct 12th - Columbus Day - will kick off the last 100 days of the Bush Presidency until another person takes office in Jan 20th 2009. We all know that George is rushing about frantically to secure a "legacy" - a better presence in history. So what will this lamest of lame ducks do? What will happen until he can bask in his "100 days" of glory?

Let's look at what Napoleon did in order to GET those last hundred days before Waterloo: (From wikipedia)

In France, the royalists had taken over and restored Louis XVIII to power. Meanwhile Napoleon, separated from his wife and son (who had come under Austrian control), cut off from the allowance guaranteed to him by the Treaty of Fontainebleau, and aware of rumours that he was about to be banished to a remote island in the Atlantic, escaped from Elba on 26 February 1815 and returned to the French mainland on 1 March 1815. Louis XVIII sent the 5th Regiment of the Line, led by Marshal Ney who had formerly served under Napoleon in Russia, to meet him at Grenoble on 7 March 1815. Napoleon approached the regiment alone, dismounted his horse and, when he was within earshot of Ney's forces, shouted, "Soldiers of the Fifth, you recognize me. If any man would shoot his emperor, he may do so now." Following a brief silence, the soldiers shouted, "Vive L'Empereur!" With that, they marched with Napoleon to Paris. He arrived on 20 March, quickly raising a regular army of 140,000 and a volunteer force of around 200,000, and governed for a period now called the Hundred Days.

From now until Oct. 12th Bush has to muster enough faith in the Iraq War, the War on Terror, The Economy and ...whatever, to be able to march out onto the White House Rose Garden, approach a battery of media and say: "Are you with me?" In other words, prove he can bounce back to an approval rating of at least 60%.

I hope not. Because if he does, this country has no self-respect and it will have deserved the last bloodsoaked, hypocritical and diplomatically disasterous 71/2 years.

Goya's "Execution in Spain"

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