Friday, April 1, 2011

Is the Murder of 7 UN Workers Enough For The Likes Of Pastor Terry Jones?

"There was somewhat of an awareness that there could be a violent reaction,"
                                                                              - Pastor Terry Jones

Yes, Pastor Terry Jones got what he wanted.
As the religious calendar of America wends towards Easter, some Christians might be prudent to think of their own sins as well as the sins of others that presumably placed Christ on the cross. But since a few in America's Christian leadership have a difficult time with "mea culpas," such soul-searching will be minor. For example: amidst all of the hand-wringing denunciations of the Afghanistan attack on a UN compound last week, there are some who are basking in a sun of self-righteousness: "See, we were right - Islam is a violent, evil religion."

Such self-righteousness is certainly not new* but what separates this case from many others, is that it was engendered by one man and not by deference to God.

"It time to hold Islam accountable."
In the past, the only being held accountable for disasters has been God. And the only entities held accountable for human atrocities have been groups somehow divorced from humanity and God. Pastor Terry Jones is neither. So should he be held accountable?

Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said Friday’s violence 
“proves why we were right to be concerned” when Jones made his original threats last summer. “Irresponsible words and actions do have consequences,” Morrell said. “This time, they were tragic, deadly consequences.”

"There was somewhat of an awareness that there could be a violent reaction,"
"Somewhat of an awareness" Can a more inanely defensive response exist? Knowledge of consequences is very close to malice of forethought. Knowledge of consequences is what weighs upon a country's leaders when they act aggressively. Knowledge of consequences can show a distinct lack of concern for others. Coupled with a supreme righteous arrogance, it was the same "knowledge of consequences" that led to history's infamous dictum: "Kill them all! God will take care of his kind."
It makes no difference to many on the side of the Righteous Right that too many parallels can be made with the radicals of Islam (e.g. using the Bible as justification for discrimination as strong as physical harm or relying on the premise of sacred exclusivity). So any direct link from Terry Jones to the Imam in Mazar-e sharif is irrelevant. Therefore, accountability is irrelevant.

But the accountability for Terry Jones in this case should be seriously considered: a man who holds a nation as hostage to his whims, relents, then acts anyway should, at the very least, be labeled a fraud. At most, putting military troops and innocent civilians in harms way should be considered treason. Jones' actions, however, will be covered up by the same proponents who (albeit covertly) supported Fred Phelps. The Westboro Baptist church has been causing real harm throughout the years, abetted by "social conservatives" under the disingenuous auspices of "free speech." And will continue to do so. Taking into account the strong possibility that Jones will never really be held accountable, will Jones be satisfied with his stunt? That may seem a prospect too horrible to imagine, but it must be faced: his twisted reasoning may give way to a "tally" of how many people are killed by "Islam."**

And taking Terry Jones as a lead, will other churches burn Q'urans to show just how "violent" a religion Islam is? Besides accountability, justification also hovers above the scene: Terry Jones' war against Islam can be seen as a righteous Holy War*** and parallels of Imams to ministers will cease altogether.

The situation is incendiary to say the least.

*recently, Cindy Jacobs e schewed the idea of relief for Japan in favor of positing that Japan's woes were brought upon by its innate paganism/atheism and the proof was that it is shaped like a dragon. It also did not respond sufficiently to he evangelizing attmepts several years ago.

** Doubtless, the UN staff will be given the status of martyrs or demons once their religious beliefs are affirmed.
*** "Justified War" has its basis in religion:

wikipedia: A religious war is a war caused by, or justified by, religious differences. It can involve one state with an established religion against another state with a different religion or a different sect within the same religion, or a religiously motivated group attempting to spread its faith by violence, or to suppress another group because of its religious beliefs or practices. TheMuslim conquests, the French Wars of Religion, the Crusades, and the Reconquista are frequently cited historical examples, especially in History Books.

1 comment:

Anomalous said...

Are you also of the opinion that George Tiller committed suicide? He knew that there were violent religious zealots vehemently opposed to him continuing his activities; did he also 'get what he wanted' when they murdered him?