Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dobson's Civil War Part II: Laura Ingraham Wants California To "Secede Already!"

Radio talk show hostess (she'd prefer it that way) Laura Ingraham really REALLY hates California Governor Arnold Schwarzenneger. Two days ago on CNN, he told the Republican party not to get "stuck in ideology," but instead concentrate on more important issues like cleaner air, healthcare and the budget deficit.

Laura (not THE "Dr" Laura, but just plain 'ole Laura) got riled about his comments and said that she had “never, never, ever gotten the whole Schwarzenegger thing,” finally declaring California should “secede” from the United States:

INGRAHAM: Arnold Schwarzenegger is embarrassing on so many levels. … Every time we look to moderate to liberal Republicans for answers, we’re disappointed. Not only are we disappointed, we end up getting shafted. […]

I read this and my blood boils. Left coast? I mean, just secede already, at this point. Okay. Secede already. I can’t take it anymore from California.

O.K., Ing'ham, we'll secede...and succeed. Why? Because we'll be taking with us all our money and resources. We'll declare ourselves the Republic of California - with the sixth largest economy in the world. We'll take some of the best scientific minds, some of the best computer and software companies, some of the most efficient (and abundant) agricultural producers, and some of the best dim sum and burritos, not to mention, Thai, Vietnamese, French, Salvadorean, Italian and Indian dishes to die for. We'll be taking with us all the things Washington wishes it would have. But can't. They're all in California.

Also in California: a governor who believes in the real issues, not the ones presented by the pope of Colorado Springs!

Whew! That rant took a lot out of me and made me hungry: I'll take a short ride to Mitchell's Ice Cream (also rated this state's - country's - best).

Just a thought.

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