Thursday, October 30, 2008

WWJD About Prop 8? Find Him In This Collage of Love!

O.K., Mormons will never go for the above. They "invested" $10 million in Proposition 8 and no matter what the Bible says, they will NOT give gays and lesbians equal marriage rights. To them, it's a matter of economics: they get more money from traditional "families" and tithes than they do from gay couples.

I especially love the dictum: "Marriage is honorable in all." Can't you hear the screams right now? "The Bible didn't mean same-sex marriage!" Oh? Then how come Jesus honored the relationship between the Roman Centurian and his slave? While true Biblical scholars don't overlook the possibility, bible-thumpers and televangelists always seem to forget about that part of scripture and it's Greek translation!

Below is a collage of loving couples. Some of them may just be a bit lustful, but some of them pray for the day when they will have the equality to marry. Does anyone who's human want to stand in their way?

Just a thought.

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