Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Great Auk and The Great Idiots

This is a rather sad but contemporary commentary on how we've treated animals and resources. The Great Auk was a large bird in the Pengiun family that was made extinct by the popularity of its down.

From Wikipedia:

The Little Ice Age may have reduced their numbers, but massive exploitation for their down drastically reduced the population. Specimens of the Great Auk and its eggs became collectible and highly prized, and collecting of the eggs contributed to the demise of the species. On Stac an Armin, St Kilda, Scotland, in July, 1840, the last Great Auk seen in the British Isles was killed by two St Kildan residents. Haswell-Smith claims that this was because they thought it was a witch.


Travel Advice: never go to St. Kilda looking like a penguin.

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