Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Get Ready For The Idiocy of Dinosaurs Cavorting With Adam and Eve!!!

This is the Mural That Started The Dover, Penn. Controversey.

In August, a mural depicting human evolution, painted by a 1998 graduating senior and donated to the science department, disappeared from a science classroom. The four-by-sixteen-foot painting had been propped on a chalkboard tray because custodians refused to mount it on the wall. Spahr learned that the building and grounds supervisor had ordered it burned. In June 2004, board member William Buckingham, Bonsell’s co-instigator of the ID policy, told Spahr that he “gleefully watched it burn” because he disliked its portrayal of evolution. (from Creation and Intelligent Design Watch)

Tomorrow is the 83rd Anniversary of the Scopes "Monkey Trial" and I will try my best tonight to give a small series on the idiocies of Creationism, the Creation Museum, and young-earth Christians. I'll have a lot of pictures and some videos. It will be at least 3 posts, if not more.

And...I'll try to see what the presidential candidates think about "Creationism" taught in schools. Hang on, because this Thursday is going to be bumpy! I may have to stay up quite late to do it, so if the reasoning get a bit blurry, you'll know why.

Stay Tuned!

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