Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Word About Al Franken

Al Franken 4 Senate: faces
Originally uploaded by timpweb
I got a little upset when I saw the CBS online article about Al Franken's trip to the Senate. Not because he wouldn't be a great senator (if I lived in Minnesota, I'd sure as hell would vote for him), but because the media labeled him as "Ex-comic". As in all the pejorative nuances of that label.

A lot of people will NOT go past that label, either. Every time he makes a speech, people will expect it to be light and laughed at. (Hey, it's different when GWB opens his mouth, he actually wants to be taken seriously, but people laugh anyway - or cry, depending on how seriously they take the subject matter). People will not set aside a person's former career or history and delve into what the person has done/said recently. That makes me sad.

And angry.

Before I delve into Franken's policy statements, let me tell you this: Comedy (intended comedy) is HARD WORK. Ask any actor known for drama why they don't do comedy: it's more difficult. Comedy takes a level of creativity that many people cannot even aspire to.

Give Al Franken a chance to be heard.

Thanks to Tim Prendergast for his post on Flickr. The story about how he got Franken to mug for him and the questions he asked are priceless.

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