Thursday, June 26, 2008

Michael Jackson's Front Gate

This is exactly what tomorrow's post will be about, but a little more political. Just who do you think is this year's Pied Piper? We're all a little awed and overcome by Bible thumpers, celebrities and politicians. We may even be hypnotized by a song, a phrase, a lie. And like little children ...we trust. No, not trust, we simply believe. Because we're willing to believe. We want to believe with all our hearts that what's being said and done is true. We're skeptical, but sometimes about the wrong things or it may be that we're not skeptical enough about the right things. We've been lied to, but we have an incredible capacity for forgiveness. Forgiveness may be our downfall, but we feel so self-righteous when we do it. And if we blame ourselves for believing, will be woefully after the fact. This willingness, this craving to believe may just be our greatest curse the one that makes fools of us all.

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