Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Get A Load of San Francisco Values!

This insulting ad for politician Graves' congressional bid posits "San Francisco Values." Why is it insulting? True, San Franciscans like to party, but the money being doled out is usually to charities and non-profits.

And the three paid actors don't look or move like San Franciscans: they're lame and plain. Is the guy in the middle supposed to be gay? Guess he doesn't go to the same bars I do. The men I meet have more rhythm. The young (?) lady in pink looks like she fashioned her character on someone out of the 80s who 's definitely been "supersized" too much. The other woman is supposed to represent a conglomeration of our Asian/Hispanic population. She doesn't. And besides, there would have to be fifty people in the picture to represent all of the ethnic groups we house.

This ad will go out to people who have never even seen a postcard of San Francisco. Is his target group from Appalachia?

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