Monday, January 28, 2008

Did Heath Ledger Die for Our Sins?

Phelps: Hallelujah for Star-studded, Spectacular Deaths!

20 years ago today, the space shuttle Challenger exploded only seconds after take-off, killing allseven crew members. Fred Phelps didn't have a media presence back then, or he would have shouted "Glory Hallelujah" just as he did after the Columbia disaster:

Anti-homosexual activist Fred Phelps produced a flier that claimed, "The 7 Are In Hell," where he stated, "God's Arm hurled Columbia in fragments to the ground, and hurled the 7 fools into the everlasting fires of Hell - in wrath and vengeance, laughing, mocking and deriding this nation of fags." - Phelp's Web site, 2/2

His website's latest headline:
Thank God Ledger Is Dead!
Heath Ledger Is In Hell!
LORD Willing we will preach at his funeral!
Heath Ledger chose to promote the vile sin of sodomy in defiance of God's law. No one made him play a faggot cowboy in "Brokeback Mountain". No one made him kiss another man, in a flagrant attempt to further desensitize not only americans but Bible-illiterate fools the world over to the filthy depravity that is faggotry. He chose to do that all on his own. He could have used that bully pulpit he has to promote the cause of God and truth instead. God has repaid him to his face for his filth. Thank God for His Justice. All who flaunt God's law can expect the same. Amen

Of course, we instantly dismiss whatever Phelps and his Topeka, KS family of hate say about anyone or anything. After all, who listens?

Someone might.

That's the real tragedy of Ledger's death: that anyone might use his name or image to actually kill someone else. It makes no difference that Ledger was an actor in a fictional film. To someone, he might have been more than real. Someone may be out there who hates the Heath Ledgers of the world - the people who are willing to take risks so that others will stop and think about macho images and tolerance.

Thank you, Heath Ledger.


goprairie said...

Phelps is an evil horrible person as are his associates. Everything he does is so wrong, from this to making me ALMOST question free speech.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh!!! Fuck you you Idiots and open your eyes!!! Who gives a shit how people live their lives whether it be an actor playing a part in a movie based in a VERY real America or it be how they actually choose to live? Does it directly affect you and how you live? Do you have to answer for their lives on judgement day? What skeletons do any of you have hiding in your closets? Just because you are not gay does that make you any better? Maybe your brother or sister or parent is a raging child molester and you dont even know it! Why dont you concern yourselves with things that matter most to you on a personal level like yourself and your issues, live your OWN life and concern YOURSELF with your own family issues, you know you got em!! every family in this great world in one form or another is one big Jerry Springer episode waiting to explode! Maybe you are or have been suicidal, addicted to child porn, drugs, alcohol, adult porn, prescription drugs, maybe you had or are having an affair, maybe you are a pathological liar or an arsonist or a cleptomaniac, maybe you secretly beat your children, maybe you have a gender issue in your own genetic line, maybe you are a raging homocidal maniac, either way it goes if you have either done or thought about doing any of these things that is just as big of a sin in Gods eyes as being Gay, but guess what, it doesnt matter to me because i dont have to answer for your sins when i have my own to atone for but i can tell you this, if you were to show up on my doorstep today, no matter what you have done or who you are i would not turn you away, i would feed you cloth you and help you to the best of my God given abilities gay or not because that is the way of the Lord. I will pray for a healthy mind and open heart for all of you. I am no better than any of you. When you look back on history and you read and hear about slavery and human trafficking and you hate that racisim happened, look at the situation and realise that you are no better as far as being judgemental on those who live life other than us who are married with children, that is just as bad as racisim just in a different form. I hope you all pray that god teach you something about yourselves and maybe you will stop using your beautiful mind on useless junk like this, go get an education on something you have always wanted to learn about and fill your mind on something that can better your life instead of worrying about someone elses especially when you dont even know who they are.