Yeah! All The Women Will Turn Into Lesbians and Witches!!! Or Sarah Palin!
And If They Don't, Pat Robertson Will STILL
Burn Them At The Stake!
(O.K., Maybe not Palin if she pledges she's NOT demonspawn)
Pat Robertson will be enraged while Bela Abzug (may she rest in peace) will be laughing.
And what will the Southern Baptist Convention have to say? Family Research Council, Focus on the Family? Horrors!! Man as THE breadwinner of the family is doomed, doomed, doomed!!
Actually, he's been doomed for a long time. What the ERA has been telling conservatives for the longest time has finally been written in black and white: we're equal to you. We deserve equal pay, not a rant from Ann Coulter!
Just a thought.
Burn Them At The Stake!
(O.K., Maybe not Palin if she pledges she's NOT demonspawn)
(From Washington Independent)
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) announced today that the chamber will vote Friday on legislation making it easier for workers to pursue payment-discrimination claims.
But aren't the women they talk about (shudder!)...FEMINISTS? Republicans siding with Lesbians and Witches?
Pat Robertson will be enraged while Bela Abzug (may she rest in peace) will be laughing.

And what will the Southern Baptist Convention have to say? Family Research Council, Focus on the Family? Horrors!! Man as THE breadwinner of the family is doomed, doomed, doomed!!
Actually, he's been doomed for a long time. What the ERA has been telling conservatives for the longest time has finally been written in black and white: we're equal to you. We deserve equal pay, not a rant from Ann Coulter!
Just a thought.
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