Republican Christofascists: Like Sarah Palin, Just as Venal
"The verdict shines a light though on the corrupting influence of the big oil service company”

Last month, Palin donated to charity “more than $1,000 in campaign contributions from two Alaska politicians implicated” in the federal corruption probe surrounding Veco.
From Wonkette:Palin had accepted the donations from the state legislators, John Cowdery and Bruce Weyhrauch, after their offices were searched by the FBI in 2006. Palin made the charitable donations only after the AP had reported that she accepted the money in 2006.
So in four years, John McCain will be way too old to run for President again, Palin will be the obvious front-runner, and she will be free to run the campaign she wants to run: a campaign about black preachers and socialism. ... The 2012 election cycle will make this one look serious and thoughtful.
- Tried to blackmail supporters of No on Prop 8 (
- "Crazy-pastored" their way into the hearts of millions of American voters. (John Hagee, Rod Parsley, Thomas Muthee)
- Predicted that Israel will do a pre-emptive strike against Iran, thus ushering in Armeggedon. (Pat Robertson)
- Been investigated for money-laundering (Frank Vennes, campaign contributer to Michele Bachmann)
- Called for a McCarthy-like investigation into the "un-Americanness" of members of Congress (Bachmann)
- Back-stabbed each other (Sarah "Rogue" Palin - whose blind ambition will always be a quality praised by her Christofascist base of "Values Voters").
- Endorsed corrupt politicians (FRC hanging on to Ted Stevens until the last sentence/minute)
- Covered up campaign contributions from a convicted felon by laundering it to the felon's charity (Bachmann)

We should all beware of them, but, like wolves in sheep's clothing, the masses will never suspect them. They keep on telling the same lies until people think the lies are the truth and even the wolves themselves will begin to believe their own lies. They are like "Bad Seeds" who seem to be born without consciences.
It all sounds so very melodramatic, doesn't it?
It is. Just wait.