The Sins Of Rick Warren: #3 Homosexuality Disproves Darwin!
Can Rick Warren Have It Both Ways?

Rick Warren has to decide which he hates more: homosexuality or evolution. He relies on the lame arguments of websites like Renew America and it's "creator" Alan Keyes.
September 8, 2005
Charles Darwin disagrees with homosexuality
By Nathan Tabor
Under Darwin's process of natural selection, all "beings" — as opposed to the outmoded religious idea of "creatures" — are continually adapting to their natural environment in order to have a better chance of surviving. ... the strongest and most improved survive long enough to mate. Their offspring inherit their genes, and thus the species improves from one generation to the next.

Not only are homosexuals seemingly blind to their moral conflict with Christianity, they are also blind to their natural conflict with our modern secular god, Science, particularly as espoused by the disciples of Charles Darwin, the prophet of evolution.

This is yet again an example of Warren's modus operandi: pick whatever suits your own philosophies best: evolution has been studied by greater minds that Rick Warren's (Gasp!) and has found anomalies to natural selection, but the basic principle is still very strong. A combination of genetics, biochemistry, and neurology can result in homosexuality. The "god of science" cannot be ruled out.
So what is Rick Warren's sin here? The sin of hypocrisy? Actually I think it's the larger sin of hubris: Warren is so enamored of himself that he doesn't think anyone will notice that he picks and chooses from everything that gives him an advantage (that includes translations of the Bible).
And for the people who actually agree with Warren, the above article (in full length here) is a hodgepodge of falsities and fantasies:

- ostracized Dr. Paul Cameron’s claims that gay men tend to die by age 42 [totally untrue]
- rightist hate groups’ myth that gay rights advocates say their lifestyle is genetically determined and claim they have no choice over their behavior;
- the myth that “most homosexuals reject God,” [too many go to church in spite of what the church thinks about them!]
- scientifically illiterate distortions of the theory of evolution. [As well as anthropology, history, and archeology]
And remember: when Feb. 12th rolls around (the 200th birth date of Darwin), Rick Warren will celebrate with a sermon about how Adam and Eve and even Jesus, cavorted with dinosaurs but not homosexuals.
Just a thought.