Religious Persecution Just Ain't What It Used To Be!
And according to Gibbon:
She was stripped naked and dragged through the streets to the newly christianised Caesareum church and killed. Some reports suggest she was flayed with ostrakois (literally, "oyster shells", though also used to refer to roof tiles or broken pottery) and set ablaze while still alive, though other accounts suggest those actions happened after her death:
I agree, but making the Elmer Gantrys and Elmer Fudds of the world see that point of view is totally frustrating. They, like their religious ancestors, need to hate people. To them, life isn't worth living unless you have "heathens" "pagans" "Jews" "outcasts" "lepers" "sodomites" to go up against. They are, after all, devils in disguise.
This Prop. 8 is nothing less than religious persecution against those who have different beliefs. And if straight unmarried people think they are safe from these "conservatives"- think again. In Arkansas, there is a push by these religious groups to ban unmarried people from fostering children.
Once gays and lesbians have been persecuted with a change to the state Constitution, there is no telling who these people will set their sights on next. Vote No on Prop. 8 - it is religious persecution, pure and simple.

In Europe, most of the 782 wars in the last 800 years have been sanctioned (on both sides) by Christianity. To this day, Christianity has not been able to come up with satisfactory apologies for anti-Semitism, slavery and just about every kind of bigotry known to man. Hitler was not original: even popes thought about the possibility of eugenics (Pacelli - Pius XII - would have experimented with anything to destroy Communist Russia).

Do I actually think that gas ovens are in our future if they succeed in legislating hate and bans like Proposition 8?
Let's put it this way: once they feel any sort of power, they know that such power is not an end.
It's a beginning.
Just a thought.