Aug. 6th: Today is Pregnant With Meanings That Bush Won't Get!
I love it when a date has several different events that are so laden with meaning for our beloved administration or Christofascists! And lord, is Aug. 6th ever one of those days! The same day in the calendar that Bush travels on a Far-East pilgrimage for a better legacy, some very notable things happened:
1890: Murderer William Kemmler becomes the first person to be executed by electric chair.
1945: Hiroshima (no explanation needed)
2001: Bush reads - and almost immediately dismisses - the Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) headlined: Osama Bin Laden Set To Strike in the U.S.

So here is OUR President, who, as governor of Texas held the record for most

There were , of course, Korean protesters upon Bush's arrival. The press downplayed their numbers (up to 20,000) and, of course, Bush took absolutely no notice whatsoever:
Bush visit highlights divide in South Korea
SEOUL: President George W. Bush's trip to Seoul sharpened a political divide in South Korea on Tuesday: Middle-aged Christians and aging veterans in military uniforms prayed and waved U.S. flags welcoming the American leader, while young South Koreans battled riot police officers in downtown Seoul, shouting "Bush out!"
The police fired water cannons to stop the anti-Bush protesters from marching on President Lee Myung Bak's office. The demonstrators hurled bottles and garbage during sporadic, small-scale scuffles with the police. Officers detained dozens of protesters.
Beware of Aug. 6ths: they may come back to haunt you!