Gays In The Military - "Going The Way of Greece"
Boy, Do I Wish...
What a firestorm!! Sixty Minutes airs a segment on gays in the military and within minutes, over 1300 comments online about the piece. Let's look at a few:
I was somewhat openly gay with my squadron the in Air Force. It was the toughest, most depressing, 6.5 years of my life!...I was great at my job! But after a while, I got tired of the hillbillies that were supposed to protect me, and our nation. Instead of attacking gay personnel,.. lets attack fellow military rapists, alcoholics, drug users, domestic abuse, men and women who cheat on each other with fellow co-workers, divorces, or high ranking personal using food stamps..."
"It's good to hear some common sense dude such as Duncan Hunter. What he said makes perfect sense. I wish there were more politicians like him. Having gays in the military or anything with such a despicable moral and sexual activity would definitely have a negative impact. I think there would be less soldiers willing to join when you are forced to "bond" with such practicers of immorality. All the sexual diseases these "gays" bring to the world..bhhhh.. And before you accuse me of being a racist or whatever let me say I am also a sinner but my goal is to stop sinning and not have others see my sins as something normal."
You could stop sinning by simply shutting up. The more homophobic people get, the more illiterate they become. Why is that? Is it simply lack of education or something in the genes? If it is, then let's hope the next one NEVER produces any children:
"So what's wrong with being gay? take the morality out of it and you will see it's a very unnatural activity. Your @#$% was designed for pushing the s--t out of it not for having it push up. When the gays do it with each other they insert s--t up the @#$% with a lot of toxins which destroy your body. Now don't tell me that having someone else's faeces pushed agains one's @#$% is a desirable activity one which produces no problems. very, very unsanitary."
This guy is certainly into bodily functions! It may come from frequenting too many public restrooms. He may even be a toe-tapper!
1372 comments within two hours. There should be a lot of material by morning to write about!
Greek Princess Barbie - Alas, about as close to Greece as we'll ever be!
And now's as good a time as any for a tribute to Sgt. Len Matlovich:

"So what's wrong with being gay? take the morality out of it and you will see it's a very unnatural activity. Your @#$% was designed for pushing the s--t out of it not for having it push up. When the gays do it with each other they insert s--t up the @#$% with a lot of toxins which destroy your body. Now don't tell me that having someone else's faeces pushed agains one's @#$% is a desirable activity one which produces no problems. very, very unsanitary."
This guy is certainly into bodily functions! It may come from frequenting too many public restrooms. He may even be a toe-tapper!
1372 comments within two hours. There should be a lot of material by morning to write about!

And now's as good a time as any for a tribute to Sgt. Len Matlovich:

Let's see... Greece gave us democracy, architecture, western culture, art, mathematics, philosophy. It still remains the most imitated culture in the world. The Romans cherished it. The Hebrews took advantage of it. The Egyptians benefited by it. If we're doomed to go the way Greece did, then I say we'll have a proud time until Armaggedon!