Pulpit Pimp Alert! Tony Perkins Says Preaching Hate Will Get You Handcuffed!
Actually, No. But PHYSICAL Violence Against Queers Will!
Have you heard the Screams from Washington, from Colorado Springs, from Virginia Beach, from Fox News? People are shaking in their boots, tearing their hair, thrusting their crucifixes before themselves, wailing in righteous agony! Tony Perkins, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, all the televangelists along with all the priests and ministers who have been campaigning against the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Bill will be looking over their shoulders and scanning the pews for FBI men waving warrants!
Call me warped, but I wish it were true!
Call me warped, but I wish it were true!
Pam's House Blend:
Via tips-q's David Hart, in the late evening article entitled Breaking: Hate Crimes Bill Passes Senate!: A cloture vote just passed by 63 to 28. By prior consent that passes the bill. I will post the roll call vote when it is provided by the Senate but at least five Republicans voted aye.And from AP:
Washington Blade:The Senate has approved the most sweeping expansion of federal hate crimes protections since the original law was enacted after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The legislation broadens federal reach to protect those physically attacked because of their gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or a disability. Current law is limited to crimes motivated by race, ethnicity or religion...
[In the House of Representatives] Responding to concerns by opponents that the bill’s clause prohibiting prosecution for “any activities protected by the free-speech or free-exercise clauses of the First Amendment to the constitution” was limited to just part of the constitution, Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA) called for striking the words referring to the First Amendment. Instead, he called for changing the wording to ban prosecution for “any activities protected by the Constitution.” The committee then passed the amendment by unanimous voice vote.
And from Air America:
The screams are all for nothing, but let them scream. They're enjoying all that self-righteous agony.Supporters countered that prosecutions under the bill can occur only when bodily injury is involved, and no minister or protester could be targeted for expressing opposition to homosexuality, even if their statements are followed by another person committing a violent action.