Our Biggest Ally Thinks We're VERY Stupid!
Lest you think that Britain has always sided with the U.S. (via Tony Blair), read a report from Wikileaks about how Britain was planning the war in 2002, but had to follow the U.S. ideologies instead of the U.N.'s. In other words, they had to wait until the U.S. came up with a plan, then stick to it regardless of whether or not they thought it was sound.

Times have changed since then. Our DIPlomat (sometimes referred to as Mr. President) has seen to it that other countries line up to laugh at us. But that laughter is now accompanied with the voice of frustration: "Can't you Americans do anything right?"
From the Wikileaks article and the UK report itself:
- "leaders should not start an operation without thinking...it is not enough just to identify the desired end-state".
The report reveals that Whitehall had been secretly planning the war during 2002 (!!). In fact, the Blair government was so paranoid about leaks that it kept the pending invasion ("TELIC") secret from even most senior UK military leadership until the end of the year:
"The unrest and violence following the fall of the Saddam Regime were recognised by British Officers in mid-2003 as indicators of insurgent activity, but it took longer for US commanders to accept this, and to take suitable counter-measures.""Freedom" "Democracy" "Liberty" "Democratic elections" - the only buzzwords (sometimes the only words) to come out of Bush when people realized that there were no WMDs. "Civil War?" "Insurgency?" "Sunni?" "Shiite?" "Abu Graib?" What are those words? Bush: "Dammit, I said Freedom and Democracy - EVERYBODY knows what I'm talking about! And that's all I need to say! I wowed them in Lithuania and Albania with those words!"
Now Bush is finally using the word most foreign to him during the last seven years: diplomacy. He stresses it time and again. But let's face it: he really doesn't care about anything concerning Iraq and Afghanistan.
Those are things the next guy will have to deal with.
McCain and Obama should be taking lessons in diplomacy - right now. If, as President, neither one comes through and nor patches things up with three-quarters of the world's population, then it's all over.
Just a thought.
Michelle Malkin and Dunkin'
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because of a scarf