Raging Rapturists In Sunday's Pulpit: "What's This Nonsense About Diplomacy?"
By A Thousandfold This Weekend!

Pat Robertson must be seething! Rod Parsley must be turning green! John Hagee must be in shock!

I've combed the net for two hours trying to find statements by the Religious Right as to reactions, but have come up with absolutely nothing. They may all be in shock or they may be working extra-hard on their Sunday sermons. Think of it: Armaggedon postponed! They've campaigned so hard for war, that it seemed within their grasp. "Bomb, bomb, bomb...bomb, bomb Iran" - McCain's faux pas became a kind of hip hymn, quietly sung, of course, and in the presence of a select few. The following clips of articles indicate just how longingly they prayed for war:
Rod Parsley
(from Unastronaut May 16, 2008...2:37 pm)
McCain’s ’spiritual guide’ Rod Parsley: “We get off on warfare!”...Rod Parsley, on the other hand, is literally trying to start a religious war and crusade. He believes somehow that America was created to destroy Islam, ignoring the language of the 1st Amendment. It is clear that the government shall stay out of the way, and the affairs of religion. If his extremist church believes there’s a call to arms against Islam, it has nothing to do with the American government. It really has nothing to do with reality. His conception is perverse and incites violence, but by the very Constitution he ignores, his voice is protected.
Pat Robertson:
On the May 2 edition of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club, host Pat Robertson claimed that Iran "now has atomic weapons," even though, the U.S. intelligence community, as well as independent experts, agree that Iran is years away from having the capability to manufacture nuclear weapons.
"It's amazing that Iran has come to the fore as it has with a president who says Israel should be wiped off the map, who ... now has atomic weapons," adding that "[a] year ago, the Lord told me ... that Israel was entering into the most dangerous time in its existence," and "confirmed this again in January."
From Prisonplanet.com, Jan, 2007)
Televangelist Pat Robertson, an influential sage of the Neo-Con war machine and an icon of its radical ideological underpinnings, has predicted turmoil in 2007 after he claimed God had told him in a conversation that major U.S. cities would suffer mass terror attacks after September that would potentially kill millions of people.
James Dobson A quote from his radio show:
"The world looked at Hitler and just didn't believe him and tried to appease him the way we're hearing in Washington today. You know, the President seems to me does understand this."And to sum up, this piece says it nicely:
(Perrspectives, May 16, 2007)
As I wrote in here, President Bush is seeking counsel from people who are trying to stoke the fires with Iran to accelerate a conflict they believe will bring the Second Coming of Christ. From protesting the removal of Israeli settlements in Gaza and the West Bank to actually trying to breed the mysterious "red heifer" which will signal the Second Coming, Falwell, Hagee, Dobson, Bauer and their ilk hope to foment war in the Middle East to fulfill biblical destiny.
Yes, the apocalypticists, Armaggedon freaks, and end-times advocates may have to wait a little longer and keep fomenting hatred in people's minds and hearts like some eternal flame.