It's Amazing What Brains Can Do For The Presidency: Obama's First 45 Days
Since Jan. 20th, President Barack Obama has:
- Suspended all pending federal regulations so that they could be reviewed. Bush had done the same thing when he first came to office. Difference: Bush sneaked in over 200 deregulations while Clinton issued only 12 executive orders.
- Enacted a wage freeze for Senior White House Staff.
- Announced stricter guidelines regarding lobbyists.
- Signed executive order suspending all on-going proceedings for Guantanamo Military Commission and that the facility would be closed within a year.
- Signed an order to restrict interrogations to the Army Field Manual.
- Issued Ethics Commitment by Executive Branch Personnel setting stricter limits on incoming executive branch employees.
- Signed two memoranda regarding energy independence.
- Rescinded the Mexico City Policy, banning funds to international groups that provide abortion services. ·
- Established the policy of producing a weekly Saturday morning video released through and
- Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
- Increased Afghanistan troops by 17,000.
- Outlined an exit strategy for the Iraq war.
- Formulated and signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
- Proposed a $1.6 Trillion tax cut - Unsuccessfully.
- Established The Office of Faith-Based Initiatives, but didn't fund it with the promised $2 billion.
- Abandoned The Kyoto Protocol.
- Built up the country's missile defense system.
- Failed attempt to privatize Social Security
- Signed the Class Action Fairness Act
- Five-day European Tour to repair alliances
- Nominated John Bolton as the US Ambassador to the United Nations while congress was in recess because both parties filibustered the nomination.
- Proposed an energy plan that gave subsidies to oil, coal, nuclear and gas industries.