"And We Bessech Thee, Oh Lord, To Give This President The Courage to Kill Muslims And Gays For They Are Evildoers. Amen!"
NOT A Hater Of Muslims Or Gays!
(No one could EVER pin those stupid phobia names on ME!)
(From Box Turtle Bulletin)
Warren on gays:
The New York Times’ Katharine Seelye is reporting that Rick Warren, the pastor at Saddleback Church, has been chosen by President-elect Barack Obama to deliver the invocation at the inaugural ceremony.
This is the same Rick Warren who recently said that the relationships of his “many gay friends” are no different from child rape, incest or polygamy. He also jumped on the paranoia bandwagon surrounding same-sex marriage by falsely claiming that Prop 8’s failure somehow would have overturned the Constitution’s First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech and religion. (It can’t. No law or state constitution can.).

… Most people, you know… I have many gay friends, I’ve eaten dinner in gay homes, no church has probably done more for people with AIDS than Saddleback Church. Kay and I have given millions of dollars out of “A Purpose-Driven Life” helping people who got AIDS through gay relationships. So they can’t accuse me of homophobia. I just don’t believe in the re-definition of marriage.
Hmmm. I think he's lying.
"Shock! Shock! Shock! You just called the country's most influential 'Man of God' a Liar!"
Yeah, so?
Let's look at the statements a little bit closer: "I have many gay friends." After he compares you to a child rapist would YOU be friends with Rick Warren? "...no church has probably done more for people with AIDS than Saddleback Church." It's a pity all the people who can attest to that live in Africa. "...people who got AIDS through gay relationships." Meaning: "gay relationships cause AIDS."
Like the true Christofascist he is, Warren lies like a pro.
Just a thought.