It's Official: Ann Coulter Hates EVERYONE! ( With An I.Q. Above Sarah Palin's!)
Who Will She Assassinate First?
Obama Or McCain?
Obama Or McCain?

How could we go after Obama for his illegal alien aunt and for supporting driver's licenses for illegal aliens when McCain fanatically pushed amnesty along with his good friend Teddy Kennedy? How could we go after Obama for Jeremiah Wright when McCain denounced any Republicans who did so? How could we go after Obama for planning to hike taxes on the "rich," when McCain was the only Republican to vote against both of Bush's tax cuts on the grounds that they were tax cuts for the rich? And why should Republican activists slave away working for McCain when he has personally, viciously attacked: John O'Neill and the Swift Boat Veterans, National Right to Life director Doug Johnson, evangelical pastors Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and John Hagee, various conservative talk radio hosts, the Tennessee Republican Party and on and on and on?....
Oh, but wait, she DOES like Palin:
Indeed, the only good thing about McCain is that he gave us a genuine conservative, Sarah Palin. He's like one of those insects that lives just long enough to reproduce so that the species can survive. That's why a lot of us are referring to Sarah as "The One" these days.
When you know that a pundit hates EVERYONE, then that pundit gets... boring.

And comparing John McCain to an insect is being vicious for the sake of being vicious. Maybe that's why some people like her: she's egalitarian in her hatred of people.
Besides using the term "faggot" to describe John Edwards, Coulter had this to say about gays:
I thought gays just wanted to get married to one another and settle down in the suburbs so they could visit each other in the hospital.When snipe after snipe after snipe emanates from a "journalist" people just read the column to see who is targeted next. With Ann Coulter, we KNOW who will be castigated for the next four years. I have only one thing to say to that: