It's Not The Obama Effect As Much As THE PALIN EFFECT!
From Southern Poverty Law Center:
They're crawling out of the woodwork! And out of the garbage heaps! Sarah Palin whipped them up. So who is going to control them? The following is a ridiculous statement from a KKK-based group called The Knights Party on its blog site:“The League of the South is reporting a surge in new members within hours of the results from yesterday’s elections,” proclaimed an E-mail that the neo-Confederate group sent to supporters the day after the election. “League president, Dr. Michael Hill, stated that it is from an awakening of many Southerners that the constitutional Republic is now dead and has been replaced with a national socialist empire.”
“If you want to do something to help provide a future for you [sic] children then you need to become part of a movement working for our people. We are not asking you to hate anyone! We are not asking you to commit an illegal act. We are not asking you to hurt anyone. We just want you to love your people and do that which your grandfathers did — give your children a bright future.”"We are not asking..." WTF? This BS is incredible! Why do they think kids are signing up? Why do most of the members have rifles and shotguns? They live to hate and they live to hurt.
And when they do, where will their "churches" be? Supporting them... or just staying silent.
Just a thought.

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