If Texas Secedes, It DESERVES Chuck Norris For President!

And a pronouncement from "the poor man's Arnold Schwarzeneger" Chuck Norris:Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) was one of the dozens of Republican lawmakers who are addressing the anti-Obama tea parties today. He told the crowd he didn’t believe they were all “right-wing extremists,” as others had sought to portray them. “But if you are, I’m with you!” he shouted. After, he told reporters that Texas might have to secede from the union: Perry told reporters following his speech that Texans might get so frustrated with the government they would want to secede from the union.
Story #2 involves the DHS memos released stating what we already knew: radical right-wing terrorists are a threat to the country just as much as Al Qaeda.On Glenn Beck's radio show last week, I quipped in response to our wayward federal government, "I may run for president of Texas."That need may be a reality sooner than we think. If not me, someone someday may again be running for president of the Lone Star state, if the state of the union continues to turn into the enemy of the state.
This, from U.S. News & World Report in Bush's 2005:
In the 10 years since the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing killed 168 people, roughly 60 right-wing terrorist plots have been uncovered in the United States, according to an upcoming report by the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project. The plots, all foiled by law enforcement, reportedly included violent plans by antigovernment militia groups, racist skinhead organizations, and Ku Klux Klan members to use various types of chemical bombs and other weapons.
Interestingly enough, Texas has a very high per capita hate group ranking. Washington D.C., has the highest: must be all the Republican lobbyists.
There are over 965 hate groups in the country. One of them is Pat Robertson.
From Crooks and Liars:
For the past few days, the right wing has been going after a new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report warning that “rightwing extremists…may be gaining new recruits” because of Barack Obama’s election and the “economic downtown.”
ROBERTSON: It shows somebody down in the bowels of that organization is either a convinced left winger or somebody whose sexual orientation is somewhat in question.
But it’s that kind of thing, somebody who doesn’t think that we should have abortion on demand, is labeled a terrorist! It’s outrageous!
Crooks and Liars also points out that Robertson urged his viewers to “jam up” the homeland security phone lines by calling in to complain.
Telling people to purposely obstruct the operations of DHS might be considered treason, right?
Just a thought.