Are Eight Percent Of Americans REALLY Birthers? Or Just Plain Stupid?
Answer: BOTH
From Washington Times:
Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh joked that President Obama might be a deity because “God does not have a birth certificate, either.” Joseph Farah, the editor of — the site that’s been buying up billboards asking for Obama’s birth certificate — couldn’t contain his excitement, so he tweeted about it.
Does that mean that the rest of the world sees us as gullible dopes? YES.
Do we like to be viewed as a nation of morons? NO.
What can we do about it? Unfortunately, NOTHING.

Me? I became aware of this after watching the second episode of The Beverly Hillbillies. And, yes, I am as stupid as many people: when I trip over a piece of furniture in the dark I yell at it for simply being there - where I put it. So I am guilty of being stupid, which is why I can point out REALLY stupid people: I know whereof I speak. The things that scares me about REALLY stupid people (having occasion to be stupid many more times than I have) is that they are stupid about all the mean, petty and (blatantly) wrong things.

Theirs is not the reasoning of intelligent people: they are not merely questioning Obama's citizenship. Nor are they questioning his transparency. They are convinced of a conspiracy because of the lack of a piece of paper. And their guns are cocked and loaded in the event that the conspirators will somehow win and dispossess them from their single-wides.
With a S.W.A.T. team.
And where do Birthers get their totally stupid theories from?