Who Do You Trust More: God, Your Cult Parents or Child Protective Services?
There once was a popular daytime game shoe called Who Do You Trust? It was hosted by Johnny Carson. Trust pitted two people, then Carson would ask the man (first) "Will you, sir, answer this question, or will you trust this woman to answer it?"(one man one woman, but not a married couple) against each other (or in a sense themselves). The questions were typical game show questions but were asked in a serio/comical manner meant to educate and entertain the timeslot viewers (kids coming home from school). In a sense, it was a battle of the sexes mixed with Groucho Marx. One major difference between Carson and Groucho, was that Carson often participated in demonstrations of the contestants' interests or hobbies. On one memorable show he tried his hand at driving a miniature race car (and crashed into a wall).
After the above paragraph I wanted to embed several videos concerning the Texas Polygamous sect story, but I guess my software is all for polygamy.
The whole situation now boils down to who trusts who or WHO!
- The women have been screaming for their children saying there was no abuse.
- The men have given interviews, one saying that he thought girls in Texas could marry at age 14.
- One former son of the compound tells of being kicked off the ranch for the silliest offenses simply because they were competition to the older men. Other male teenagers tell of the same kind of abuse: being taken to a road and abandoned and told "good luck"!
- Former women who have "escaped" telling the media that girls getting "married" and pregnant as young as 13 was the norm.
- Child Protective Services defending their actions by saying that they are protecting the children (especially the teenagers) from abuse and forced marriages with older men.
- The DNA researchers who say that they'll be able to tell exactly who is related to who ...in about one month (!!).
And from the looks of the men on the CBS interview (please trust ME on this) look as if they are alien automatons in (slightly) human form. They are definitely NOT good advertising for home-schooling. They certainly can't answer the expected questions with any credibility. It's possible that they don't even know the names of their own children. That begs the question: were these guy chosen out of the group to be representatives for the FLDS or were they merely expedient?
There is something inherently wrong in a sect that can't put forth three men capable of a coherent sentence. Pat Robertson might approve, but not the rest of the country.
It's late and I have to wrap this up, but do I want to? NO. The children of this isolated sect were not treated fairly by anyone (not even by the CPS) least of all their parents. Do these women and men think that their selfish little sect will somehow be passed up by the modern world? Mennonites and Amish have absolutely no delusions about their world.
And their members are free to leave without fear of reprisal. These men and women both have stories to tell, but they aren't telling them to anyone.
This picture was taken after a standoff involving the search for Warren Jeffs the leader of the FLDS (who was later captured and sentenced to 10 years in prison). Can that little boy (now at least eleven) tell us anything? His face can, even if he's not allowed to.