Pat Robertson's Acolytes To Roberto Gonzales: Where Are They Now?
(Psst: Maybe Some of Pat Robertson's Minions Can Give Him All Three!)
- U.S. Attorney purge scandal
- Signing torture memos
- Gutting the DoJ's Civil Rights Division
- Investigation by the DoJ's Inspector General (perjury and obstruction)
- warrantless searches
- Harsh, un-American policies on detainees at Guantanamo Bay
- Scoffing at the Geneva Conventions
- Filling his staff with Pat Robertson acolytes
- Tolerance for corruption and politicization of the DOJ

According to
U.S. News & World Report ranks Regent University School of Law as a Tier 4 school, the lowest ranking within the law school category. The Princeton Review ranked Regent University seventh in the country for quality of life and the most conservative school. The Sustainable Endowments Institute in Cambridge, Mass., gave Regent a grade of D in its 2009 College Sustainability Report Card an improvement from the previous year's F grade.
In other words, Regent University School of Law is not made up of America's "Best and Brightest."
Remember Monica Goodling in the U.S. Attorney firings? Yep. And her aide. And her predecessor.
According to Regent University, more than 150 of its graduates have been hired by the federal government since George W. Bush came to office in 2001 including dozens in Bush's administration.

So, again, the question is: WHERE ARE THOSE PEOPLE? Were they part of the many people Bush "buried" in the government rolls, to stay put and do damage from the inside without the possibility of getting fired for conservative leanings?
Another question: do we want them working in the government at all? I promise I will do some due diligence and report back.