Thank God For Religious Intolerance!
Because If Christofascists Unite,
We'll ALL Be Forced To Sing
"Onward Christian Soldier"!!!
We'll ALL Be Forced To Sing
"Onward Christian Soldier"!!!

Let's hope they continue - amongst themselves.
Let's hope that Protestants still think Catholics have mysterious rituals and are controlled by the pope. Let's hope that Mormons still struggle for acceptance, even though some of their beliefs are not quite in tune with the rest of the Christian community. Let's hope that evangelicals still think that Joseph Smith was a lunatic and that mainstream Protestants can't quote chapter and verse ad infinitum.
Let's hope.

Whether it's Iran or Israel, gays or The Family, Mormons or Catholics, Christian sects of all kinds seem to love a fight - and a war. Any war.
The following is an example of the way Mormons and evangelicals have been going at it lately. is a kind of forum where "believers" can get quite heated in their responses. This one was from a thread about what Mormons believe, the question: "A friend of mine is converting to Mormonism? Do any of you Christians have any advice as to what I should say to him?" It brought out the very best in them.
Let's make this PERFECTLY clear - I have NEVER attacked the Bible, nor have I EVER called God a liar. My whole point was that God has ultimate control over what prophecies come true and that He and He alone will or will not make them happen. This is a perfect example of how you distort my words! Mormons revere the Bible, we believe it to be the word of God BUT we are not naive enough to believe that it has never been translated incorrectly through the hundreds of translations is has undergone. We haven't discussed any of the modern scriptures so your statement regarding what I haven't said truly disingenuous.
The word attack can be defined as directing unfavorable criticism against. To say the Bible has translational problems, failed prophecies, etc., is unfavorable criticism, to say the least. I believe I have been fair in using the word attack to describe your comments.
But uniting them is a much scarier thought.