Obama's Most Critical Diplomatic Challenge: Nov. 15
Diplomacy is like tightrope walking without a net - and no weights. Impartiality is too ephemeral. Diplomats are statesman who know that there are only two possible ends to diplomacy: peace or war. On Nov. 15th (this Saturday) a grassroots effort will be taking place and, because it first started out "viral", it may become global.
At first glance, it is the protest of the passage of California's Proposition 8. It should be a statewide protest.
It won't be.
It should be, at most, a nationwide protest.
It might not be. Similar propositions have made it through state constitutions without this much fuss. So why now? Simple: it's California. If any state of the Union should have marriage equality, California would be the natural first choice. Instead, Massachusetts and Connecticut have forged the way. Many people see the votes for Prop 8 as votes for hate; hate against a state that houses some of the most compassionate and liberal entities: like San Francisco. The campaign to push through Prop 8 was not a "defense" of marriage but an overt attack against a certain group of people, making them second-class citizens. Prop 8 supporters looked like a group of steamrollers ready to crush anything in their path.
On Saturday, physical conflict may be inevitable. So the question is: how will president-elect Barack Obama react on Saturday? Will he choose to react at all? Will he act diplomatically? Or will he antagonize citizens on both sides? One side is already girding their loins for a war against the dreaded LIBERALS!:
(From Tony Perkins, Family Research Council):
That's why "most Americans" elected Barack Obama? Reality check: the "Dark Side" of this culture will not negotiate. NEVER. Why? #1: They're made up of Christofascists who rely on hatred to further their goals. Negotiation would look like weakness to their "sheeple" and in order to control their flocks, they must never look weak. #2: There is no #2.
In January, we will see the government consolidated in the hands of the most radical, left-wing president and Congress in the history of our Republic. And they plan to drastically change our nation the moment they take power.
...Never forget: Extreme liberalism does not work as a governing philosophy. As in the past, the Left is likely to suffer a rapid backlash as their policies are exposed... and as they fail to help Americans.
Importantly, most Americans still disagree with the newly elected leaders in Washington, D.C. on issues of faith, family, and freedom.
Dear President-Elect Obama: we're sorry that you're hit with a social crises before you even take office. But if you can resolve this battle in our own culture war, you will be lionized as a genius of statesmanship.