O.K., Ann Coulter, Put 'em Up!
Your Fists, Ann! NOT YOUR LEGS! Your Fists!

This woman MUST go down! Yes, she's entertaining, but so is Pat Robertson trying to leg press an elephant (or whatever). To use Biblical oh-so-eloquent terminology, someone must "smite" her. I'm sure that the surgeon who wired her jaw last time was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, so can't someone come up with a prize sufficient for him to wire it permanently? And her fingers. And her toes, should she find a way to type with them.
The "book" she came out with, Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America contradicts her own need to be vicious:
( TownhallDaily, Jan. 7,2008)
In point of fact, I'm not particularly critical of Obama in my new book.
The media's fawning over Obama knew no bounds, and yet, in the midst of the most incredible media conspiracy to turn this jug-eared clodhopper into some combination of Winston Churchill and a young Elvis, you were being a bore if you mentioned the liberal media."Jug-eared clodhopper" is not particularly critical at all, is it? I mean, practically EVERYONE calls someone a jug-eared clodhopper at some point in time don't they?
Sarah Palin was memorizing the last six kings of Swaziland for her media interviews, but Obama only needed to say something nice about his parents to be considered presidential material.A woman who doesn't have any sense of geography, sociology, diplomacy, or the "Bush Doctrine" wouldn't be able to absorb Swaziland's existence in Africa, especially since she thought Africa was one big country. Palin wasn't even dog-catcher material. The right-wing people of Alaska have had their brains frozen for so long that she catapulted from Wasilla to VP RNC pick past them without them having a chance to see how she "governatored" the state.
He titled his keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, "The Audacity of Hope" –- named after a sermon given by his spiritual mentor Jeremiah Wright, whom we were not allowed to mention without being accused of playing dirty tricks.
But, thank God, we were allowed to mention John Hagee, who strongly advocates annihilating Palestinians so we can see Armaggedon, Rod Parsley, who wants to destroy half of the world (but only the Islamic half), and John Muthee, who laid hands on Palin and Shazaam! she became Governor of Alaska.
But the media were giddy over their latest crush. Even when Obama broke a pledge and rejected public financing for his campaign ... "Citing the specter of attacks from independent groups on the right,"
So he had to break his pledge because he was a victim of the Republican Attack Machine.
Well, Maybe a Republican attack DOG - A. C., Oh, how clever of you, Ann, to attack Obama inadvertently by attacking the media! Bravo!
And of course, we all know by now what Ann Coulter thinks of Michelle Obama's style. So, Coulter, put up your fists before you attack Malia and Sasha!
And, people, she will. She most definitely will. She'll set her flying monkeys on them! You can bet on it!
And of course, we all know by now what Ann Coulter thinks of Michelle Obama's style. So, Coulter, put up your fists before you attack Malia and Sasha!
And, people, she will. She most definitely will. She'll set her flying monkeys on them! You can bet on it!
Just a thought.
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