He's Baaaack! Sort Of...
“You could make a career out of your reformed fallen Christian life,” said David Edward Harrell, a retired Auburn University history professor who studies charismatic and Pentecostal Christianity. “What you can’t do is go back and do the same thing. Once you’ve lost that clientele, it’s lost.”
Huh? What was that last one?
O.K., let's back up. Let's look at professor Harrell's statement: "...Once you've lost that clientele, it's lost." I have a problem with the word "clientele." That makes Ted's former "flock" sound more like Mike Jones' johns. Then again, think about this little slip: Haggard probably looked at them the same way as well. They were money and power - not flesh, bone and soul.
(from Alan Colmes' blog, Liberaland):
In the sermons, Haggard said a co-worker of his father molested him when he was 7, an experience that “started to produce fruit” when he turned 50. Haggard said something “started to rage in my mind and in my heart.” Haggard said though some allegations were exaggerated, “I really did sin.”
He apologized for making his family suffer, acknowledged suicidal thoughts and chastised church leaders for missing an opportunity to use his scandal to “communicate the gospel worldwide.” Haggard said he emerged with a stronger Christian faith and marriage than he’d ever had.
"Lord I have sinned, see how a lowly closeted homosexual can be debased and debauched without Your grace!" Former homosexual pastor worldwide tours have waned a bit, Ted.

Fortunately, Ted's former megachurch New Life and it's "clientele" don't look like their going to accept him if he tries to move back:
Poor Ted, reduced to a squeaking mouse! On the other hand, if his church "clientele" ever does take him back, then we should be afraid. Be very afraid."Evangelicals believe God can change hearts, yet Haggard also must be held accountable and should not return to ministry early, if ever," said David Neff, editor of Christianity Today magazine.
“It’s sort of like the mouse in the corner,” said church elder Paul Ballantyne. “If he wants to squeak, he can squeak. But I don’t think it’s going to affect New Life.”
Just a thought.
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