At Last! Some Respite From The Coultergeist!
But to Get It, We Had To Have Her Jaw Wired Shut!
Of course, she didn't actually agree to it. She had an accident of sorts (a fall, but don't know exactly where from - reason, perhaps?). Reminds me of the old saying about Ethel Merman: "When she dies, we'll still have to shoot her mouth!"

She also has a new book coming out: Guilty! Hmmm. She's known for getting as much publicity as she can for every new book, but isn't having your jaw wired shut going too far (and a bit counter-productive for personal appearances?)
Well, it's only for about two weeks. In spite of it all, she may still be on some talk shows - I heard she's been practicing ventriloquism!
Now wait a minute: idea! New book. New look? Ten years younger? It's possible. Notice that she always appears on shows in tighter skirts - and an even tighter face! Could be!
Just a thought.
Originally uploaded by the_real_cjs
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