It's Idaho For Crissakes!
One Hallmark Card You Won't See... In Idaho!
C'mon people! We're talking IDAHO! The state's so backward even Bo Gritz was forced to leave it for Nevada!Last week, Hallmark began producing greeting cards that recognize the unions between same-sex couples. Soon after, the American Family Association announced that it was launching a protest of Hallmark, claiming that the company was “promoting a lifestyle” that is “unhealthy.” Now, the AP is reporting that seven Hallmark stores in Idaho are refusing to carry the new same-sex marriage card.

The American Family Association also has a rather jaundiced view against gays: In 2007, the AFA spoke out against IKEA for featuring homosexual families in their television ads.
(NOTE: The founder of the AFA, David Wildman, has been cited by The Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Congress as extremely anti-Semitic and the California AFA leader, Scott Lively, is co-founder of Watchmen on the Walls, an extremist group that promotes violence against gays)
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