If McCain Can Distance Himself From Parsley and Hagee, Why Not Scheunemann?
Is John McCain
So John McCain doesn't know how many houses he has. Fine. He doesn't know about the doctrines of Rod Parsley or John Hagee. O.K. Now he seems to know nothing about one of his top advisers. He's looking clueless.
We've talked about Randy Scheunemann - Sen. John McCain foreign policy adviser- before, but let's recap:
Schueneman's scorecard to date:
- President of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq created by Project for New American Century
- Board member of New American Century
- Former Security Aide for Trent Lott
- Associated with Iraqi exile Ahmad Chalabi
- Adviser to former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
- Co-owner of Washington Lobbying firm Orion Strategies which lobbied for Caspian Alliance and the NRA
- Paid lobbyist (5 yrs) for Stephen Payne who is being investigated for soliciting meetings with Dick Cheney and Condoleeza Rice in exchange for donations to the George W. Bush Presidential Library.
- Registered lobbyist for the Republic of Georgia and under a $200,000 contract when Presidential hopeful John McCain was encouraged to speak to Georgia President Mikheil Saakashvili
In 2007, when Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), introduced a bill prohibiting gun sales to suspected terrorists, Schuenemann lobbied against the bill on behalf of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (a gun-maker’s association).
Hinting at yet another conflict of interest, the McCain campaign “refused to answer questions about whether the senator supports or opposes the White House plan to close the loophole” giving expanded gun rights to terrorists, reports Newsweek.
John McCain doesn't seem to know anything about the people who endorse him nor about the people who are his advisers.
Just a thought.
And if he's gonna be "McSame",
he's certainly gonna be CLUELESS.
he's certainly gonna be CLUELESS.

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