Drama Queens: New Research 2000 Poll Shows 30% of Republicans To Be Reactionary And Irrational

Now a new poll conducted by Research 2000 released today shows us that:
39% of Republicans want President Obama to be impeached.
63% think Obama is a socialist.
52% do not believe Obama was born in the United States.
21% think ACORN stole the 2008 election --
AND EVEN SCARIER:53% think Sarah Palin is more qualified than Obama to be president.
23% want to secede from the United States.
73% think gay people should not be allowed to teach in public schools.
31% want contraception to be outlawed
The last several weeks were particularly active and agitating weeks for Christofascists: the Prop 8 trial and, well, just about everything else.
The first one may not be classified as a "rant" because it's more like severe contempt, but it gets the party started:
On Haiti:
Right Wing Watch
Mark Krikorian, director of the predictably anti-immigrant Center for Immigration Studies (CIS)
Then, of course, there was Maggie Gallagher of NOM:My guess is that Haiti’s so screwed up because it wasn’t colonized long enough.
When this trial [Prop 8] began I told you: gay marriage activists were putting 7 million Californians on trial. But this week it got worse: They are clearly putting Christianity itself on trial. Why else have an expert read statements of Catholic and Southern Baptist doctrines into the record?Bill Donahue, borrowing a trite and erroneous statement from Rick Warren:
Society cannot exist without families; families cannot exist without reproduction; reproduction cannot exist without a sexual union between a man and a woman; and every society in the history of the world has created an institution called marriage to provide for this end.
And Tony Perkins of Family Research Council showed us that when you're feeling frustrated and desperate, it's time to call the other side DESPERATE!
The desperation of the Left
January 22, 2010 | Share with FriendsDear Daniel,
The Left is preparing a desperate 120-day ASSAULT on your values to appease its CULTURE OF DEATH, ANTI-MARRIAGE political base before the 2010 election campaigns begin.
And Family Research Council (FRC) is preparing to meet that BLITZ head-on.
Perkins' wild pronouncements included: (the good guys)
Reclaiming marriage
Defending innocent human life
Protecting children
(the bad guys)
radical agendaSilencing faith
Silencing Christian and conservative radio
And ending with:
2010 is a turning-point year for faith, family, and freedom!!!.
And from another part of the globe, we have a drama queen's rant coming from the new archbishop of Belgium, Andre-Joseph Leonard:
Drama. Irrational, baseless drama. Unfortunately their drama will create REAL drama."Homosexuality is not the same as normal sex in the same way that anorexia is not a normal appetite."
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