The New Repulsive Republicans: Featuring Cheney's Chamber of Horrors!
Republicans now have another descriptive adjective. In the last 8 months, they've grown: stupid, arrogant, stubborn, bloviating and even weird. Now the newest: repulsive.

Crooks and Liars:
...and asks whether they would "personally employ torture to save American lives and prevent an attack on this country?" And surprise, surprise...the overwhelming answer is...YES! Looks like all that fear mongering is paying off well for you.
Overt racism aside, the RNC is now running an ad that targets Nancy Pelosi - literally. This is the "kill them all, God will take care of his kind"* kind of repulsive:
No doubt somebody at the RNC thought it would be a clever idea, since Nancy Pelosi is feuding with the CIA, to run an ad comparing Pelosi to a James Bond villainess up against the superspy -- as in Bond's many screen-credit sequences wherein he blasts away at various villains.
And there's the "Dick Cheney's Right" kind of repulsive that even now has some "Republicans" disgusted:

(McCain on Cheney's "National Security" speech):
Of course, no definition of repulsive would be definitive if it did not include "The Boss has spoken" kind of repulsive. This would be portrayed in Rush Limbaugh's off-hand ridiculing of Ted Kennedy's cancer and lifespan (hear it below to believe it).And then he got acerbic: Cheney, he says, “believes that waterboarding doesn’t fall under the Geneva Conventions and that it’s not a form of torture. But you know, it goes back to the Spanish Inquisition.”
And lastly, there's the "we're so sanctimonious" kind of repulsive embodied by Mucho Macho Rick Santorum:
SANTORUM: The other thing we have to do is we have to stand up and say, look, America — Conservatives believe in the stewardship of patrimony. In other words, there are things in America that are really good, that work, have worked for 200 years. And we have a guy named Barack Obama who’s trying to fundamentally rewrite everything, change our economy, change our social structure, change our economy to something new.
I actually feel sorry for the few Republicans who are moderates and want to achieve solutions to the nation's problems by cooperation. The new, Repulsive Republicans are bringing out the worst in liberals. I Googled "Bloodthirsty Republicans" today and there was a link to a pdf file:
And from Flickr, I received this gem of Walt Whitman's:
David Giambusso put it well when interpreting the best Democratic strategy:
From The General Pattern:
Stupid. Arrogant. Stubborn. Bloviating. Weird. Repulsive. The Republican Party is running out of descriptive adjectives.... Paint all Republicans with the same brush as Limbaugh–the Rush brush–and by so doing, show the American people that the GOP are a bunch of yammering gasbags who would prefer to see America go under if it means paying less taxes.
It is a bold strategy and one that is indicative of the renewed potency of Democratic politics. Many chess gambits involve forcing an opponent’s piece to the front of the field so you can pick him off. Between Emmanuel, David Axelrod and James Carville it would seem probable that they have a big pile of shit to drop on Limbaugh at just the right moment.
*Before the Inquisition was even a gleem in Torquemada's eye, a papal legate (representative) was asked by a knight laying siege to a town with both Christians and heretics how he could tell them apart. The response went down in history as one of the most cavalier in human genocide.
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