The Family That Tortures Together...
Dan Savage (Savage Love, and The Slog) pointed me to a very disturbing piece:
Senator Dean Florenz:
But remember, Senator: According to Dr. James Dobson, every child deserves to have BOTH a mother and a father. Child Protective Services clearly wasn't doing their job since Angelo Mendoza had had a criminal record involving child abuse!
Now let's splay "suppose": suppose a male gay couple (with a domestic partnership certificate in place) fell in love with little Angelo, Jr. and wanted to adopt him. What would YOU say, Dr. Dobson? No need to answer, sir, because I think the whole country would know, seeing how you feel about homosexuality. The let's say a straight couple who wished to foster (with the intent to adopt) little Angelo. They seemed, for intents and purposes, a good, straightfoward and Christian family having raised several children of this own.
After receving Angelo, however, the demeanor of the foster parents changed: they were aggressive, rude and manipulative. Child Protective Services were called in and discovered to their horror that Angelo was battered beyond belief and lived in the cold basement! Read Dave Pelzer's gripping true-life story, "A Child Called It" and you will get the entire picture.

What was the father doing to the child at the time: PICKING OUT HIS EYES! WITH HIS TEETH! A neighbor called the police. The boy's one eye was never found. The other was damaged beyond saving. Both the parents had been known to take drugs: the mother had a warrant out for her arrest and Angelo Mendoza had had a criminal record involving child abuse.Mendoza had custody of the boy at the time, but the boy's mother was partially a witness to the incident. She said Friday that she was delivering pizza to the apartment when she heard her son screaming for help and decided to leave.
"My son was just crying, 'Mommy, mommy, I want to go with you. I'm scared,'" said the boy's mother, calling herself Desirae but not disclosing her last name. "(I'm) just like 'Should I take him or leave him?'" Desirae said she left, thinking the boy was safe with his father.
Senator Dean Florenz:
''A young child living with drugged-out parents deserves extra attention from child protective authorities and it is not clear whether Angelo received the necessary supervision that could have protected him."This outrageous case of child abuse deserves a great deal of scrutiny, and given the seriousness of 4-year-old Angelo Mendoza’s injuries, I think it is fair to question whether child protective authorities let him down.
But remember, Senator: According to Dr. James Dobson, every child deserves to have BOTH a mother and a father. Child Protective Services clearly wasn't doing their job since Angelo Mendoza had had a criminal record involving child abuse!
Now let's splay "suppose": suppose a male gay couple (with a domestic partnership certificate in place) fell in love with little Angelo, Jr. and wanted to adopt him. What would YOU say, Dr. Dobson? No need to answer, sir, because I think the whole country would know, seeing how you feel about homosexuality. The let's say a straight couple who wished to foster (with the intent to adopt) little Angelo. They seemed, for intents and purposes, a good, straightfoward and Christian family having raised several children of this own.
After receving Angelo, however, the demeanor of the foster parents changed: they were aggressive, rude and manipulative. Child Protective Services were called in and discovered to their horror that Angelo was battered beyond belief and lived in the cold basement! Read Dave Pelzer's gripping true-life story, "A Child Called It" and you will get the entire picture.

a child called it was the most horific and sadest book ive ever read and i think the dad was not loyal enoughe to his son to not save him from that toture chamber
dad was gay
mother was evil and i hope dav never forgave her!!!
the sad thing is that when you read this book to someone for the first time, at the end you sooo badly want to tell them it's not true..BUT YOU CAN'T! His mom(even tho' you cant really call her a mom)was really messed up in the head...she had to have been possesed by some type of demonic evil. What in their right mind can do that to someone?
the book a child called it was horrifing i couldnt beleive what i was reading i never heard of such abuse. i am ashamed in the mother and especially the father for being a bystander. the only question i have is what happened to his mother and his father now?
I cant beleive anyone ANYONE can do anything like that to a child! Some of the things I read were horible I almost threw-up with discust in the mother. The father, I cant beleive just stood there watching his son almost die, then just leave. HIS SON with that monster. She needs to be treated the same way.
when i was reading "a child called it" i almost cryed. i could not BELIEVE what i was reading!! what kind of mother stabs her child, then makes them do the dishes?! and worse, what kind of father just ignores him?!!? i mean, really, that was the most horific, & terrifying book i have ever read. THANK GOD for dave, who made it through, and wrote a book about it!!
I've read all of Dave Pelzer's book I'm only 16 but i want to be a counselor for the court system when I'm older. I decided I was going to get my Psychology Degree when I was 13 years old, because of Dave Pelzer, and his story. I had a rough child hood my self and pitied myself untill i read his books! I was hit by a car when i was 9, my mother signed her rights away when I was 11, and my dad was "abusive" now i live with my grandmother in Missouri. I plan on majoring in Psychology, and minoring in juvenile Justice. So NO CHILD has to go through these things.
im now reading this book i never ever read books but "a chiled called it" is an amazing book im only 14 and im glad for the mother and father i have now so i thank kgod for them im crying but if you search dave pezler mother there is picture of his mouth click onn it and it will lead you to a website about his own family thank you and god bless everyone out there and PRAY for the millions of abused and neglected children out there:(
i just dont understand how a mother can do that to their child!and how a father [knowing all what was going on]just let it happen!
to his mother:you have no right to be a MOTHER!im glad dave pelzer wrote "a child called it" now everyone knows what monster you are!!
to his father:you are a COWERED!how can you just leave your son knowing what his mother[your wife] was doing to him!you could have helped your son!you could have took him with you!and you didnt but you could have done more then just walk out the door and never come back! both of you guys suckk!!!
and to dave: your story has really inspired me to help other kids that are in similar situations as you were!i hope this made you a stronger person!
i am 16 and i was 15 when i read this book i never liked to read and it wasnt a school assignment!someone told me it was a really good book.iread the first page and i was hooked i went through all the emotions as he did!when i read he cried i cried with him!when his mom burned him on the stove, i felt it. these story's have made me realize that not everyone is blessed with great parents like i am! im so greatful for them!i dont know where i would be today without them! i<3my parents!
A child called it was VERY sad! and moving, I ABSOLUTELY HATE his mum! I dont see why he should stick up for her, after all she's done to him! She ought to go to hell, although it is Dave's mother and he's was only little ! Well done DAVID! i hope everyone will understand child abuse :O
I read the book in 2 days, IT COMPLETELY HOOOOKED ME :)
I read the book in 2 days It completely hooooked me, GREAT BOOK but Very sad :'(
A child called it was the most horrific story that made me sick and scared! I wish that on no one!!
Great Job Dave!
i hope there is no other kids going threw what Dave went threw i love the book great job hope i hope people realize how horrible they can be if they like Dave's mother
Great job dave I love i book I was reading it at schoool and it was awsome I'm so sorry I feel bad for all u went through and to any kids rite now havein or in this same situation just press ur way on through cuz /od is always there no mater wat happens just keep ur head up and watch god move.
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I feel so sorty what you webt threw i wish i was there to stop what she was doing to you i would scream
I read all of your books
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