Notes On The Culture War: Watch Out! THIS Is What You're Dealing With!
Yeah, I know that this will be considered "Christian Bashing," but only by the people who do the most bashing (physically as well as spiritually) from the other side. I wish I had the time to turn "Notes" into a full-fledged blog, by I'm already involved in too many things - people included.

Below is the spin put on the appointment and Knox by ultra-right CNS News* (slogan: "The Right News. Right Now")
( – President Obama has named to his faith-based advisory council a self-professed Christian who holds that the New Testament's teaching that homosexual behavior is unnatural and wrong--which is found in St. Paul's letter to the Romans--“is not true."
The appointee, Harry Knox, has also said that Obama's decision to invite the Rev. Rick Warren to say a prayer at the Inauguration "tainted" the ceremony and that Pope Benedict XVI is a "discredited leader."
Harry Knox, a professed gay Christian who is director of the religion and faith program at the Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual rights group, was named to President Obama's Advisory Council on Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships on Monday. The advisory council gives federal grants to faith-based organizations.
NOW THE COMMENTS (note that they are directed at Knox or Obama and not necessarily about the article itself):
You'd better look within and recognize your sin because for every person you mislead, you WILL answer for! Wake up for goodness sake!***
Homosexuality is "natural"? How does this twisted moron explain procreation? Were (are) his natural parents both of the same sex? This jerk is almost certainly a huge advocate of the gigantic hoax global warming as well.
*study after study by the Media Research Center, the parent organization of, clearly demonstrate a liberal bias in many news outlets – bias by commission and bias by omission – that results in a frequent double-standard in editorial decisions on what constitutes 'news.'"That kind of twisted thinking will bring us to ruin and, in fact, has already begun to do so.***Woman and man are commanded to live chaste (virgin) lives until marriage. Then they may enjoy natural sex together for the remainder of their natural lives. God said it; I believe it!
***You shouldn't pretend to be any kind of Christian. It would be truthful to declare your true vocation - you are a Sodomite. That would make satan your lord and master. I pray for your conversion, and your boss' too.***God punished Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality! - so - that was not about Paul's interpretation or feelings was it? America needs to wake up before it's too late - God CANNOT reward sins - He CANNOT reward laws that have been voted that are against His Word. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.***Yeah, the so-called President has other things to do than even think about what is right and what is wrong. Consider this: this man thinks that a baby born alive, though an abortion was performed to try to terminate that life, should, and I repeat, should have been left on a shelf in the closet of an abortuary until it died.
So, are you still ready and willing to deal with these people?
Just a thought.
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