Patrick Henry College: Where Tolerance and Liberty Do NOT Go Together!

If you're looking for the epitomy of "Christian Colleges" for your offspring who have been home-schooled to death the ONLY place on the planet is Patrick Henry College. They are, after all, attempting to follow in the footsteps of Found Father Patrick Henry, who said "Give me Liberty or give me death!"
And what the college's administration wants everyone to know is that Patrick Henry did NOT say "Give me Tolerance or give me death!"
And what the college's administration wants everyone to know is that Patrick Henry did NOT say "Give me Tolerance or give me death!"

"Tolerance cannot coexist with liberty" because "the crowd of tolerance wants to ban speech."
Meaning: if you are Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Catholic, or Buddhist don't go near the place. You might not be alive to talk about tolerance.

Actually, some people dared to approach Patrick Henry College: Soulforce, the LGBT organization that each year goes on a "freedom ride" to colleges and universities to debate gay rights and tolerance for gays. Patrick Henry College did offer to debate, but not on its campus. The Soulforce team spent hours in the cold rain with their gay-positive signs. One person was arrested for trespassing. The college did not want to "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."
Jona Frank's book Right looks at Patrick Henry college with a (only slightly) jaundiced eye, but manages to capture the essence of a school established for the home-schooled (that is, home-schooled strictly for religious and political reasons).

They will never know tolerance.
And they will be sent out into the world to lead the rest of us.
Heaven forbid.
Just a thought.
Tolerance is not a virtue; good thing for you, 'cause you clearly are not a tolerant person. What an asshole you must be! (P.S. Good thing for you correct grammar is also not a virtue.)
Have you ever been to Patrick Henry College? Maybe if you visited you'd get a different impression than that provided by left wing liberals who purposefully painted the school in a negative light.
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