Out of the Mouths of Babes: Gitmo Itself Was Torture!
When You Care Enough To Send The Very Best
...Especially the young, the struggling, and the poor.
(from The BBC):
A former guard at the US detention centre at Guantanamo Bay has spoken in his first television interview about the brutality he witnessed to inmates.
Chris Arendt told the BBC what he saw amounted to ''torture'' and that some of his fellow guards were so violent as to be ''psychotic.''
Chris Arendt's interview on the BBC about . the abuses at Guantanamo (Sorry I couldn't imbed the video.)
Arendt enlisted in the army at 17. He was stationed at Gitmo when he was 19. in January of 2004. From his testimony at the Winter Soldier Hearings:

He went on to say that just being interred at Gitmo was (to him) torture. You can read Arendt's entire testimony here.

Tomorrow, President George W. Bush will address the nation in a "farewell" speech. He might touch on the subject of torture (he's definitely stupid enough to do it). Think of Chris Arendt's testimony. Think of Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. Think of poor kids who have never experienced another place or culture promised money and an education if they enlist. Think of them ordered to torture other human beings.
Just a thought.
Just a thought.
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