The Phoney Baloney Flies Free: Dimwit Lies Again
Of course, it'll be higher than Georgie wants it to be held!
Excerpts from Dec. 1st interview with Charles Gibson
On the economy:

You know, I'm the President during this period of time, but I think when the history of this period is written, people will realize a lot of the decisions that were made on Wall Street took place over a decade or so, before I arrived in President, during I arrived in President.
Huh? Blaming the economy on Clinton? Did Clinton deregulate anything? "...during I arrived in President." His grammar is getting worse, if that's possible.
On The Wars:
Well, I think I was unprepared for war. In other words, I didn't campaign and say, "Please vote for me, I'll be able to handle an attack." In other words, I didn't anticipate war. Presidents -- one of the things about the modern presidency is that the unexpected will happen.
Did it hurt that you were criticized so much during the campaign?
The "change" was to roll back everything Clinton did back to 1992 standards and regulations, then to continue deregulating as many things as possible.No, not really. You know, I've been around politics a long time. Remember, I was the guy in 2000 who campaigned for change. I campaigned for change when I ran for governor of Texas. The only time I really didn't campaign for change is when I was running for reelection.
(Gibson) Was there a time when you thought, if I do this I will be compromising my principles --
We knew he heard "voices," especially when God was talking to him, but he never listened to the voice of the people!The pullout of Iraq. It would have compromised the principle that when you put kids into harm's way, you go in to win. And it was a tough call, particularly, since a lot of people were advising for me to get out of Iraq, or pull back in Iraq, or -- and rather than listen to -- I mean, I listened to a lot of voices, but ultimately, I listened to this voice: I'm not going to let your son die in vain; I believe we can win; I'm going to do what it takes to win in Iraq.
On briefing Obama and staff about the Treasury putting up $200 billion for the bailout:
As if he's trying to make the transition as smooth as possible. Truth is, he doesn't care about the transition because he's all ready make it next to impossible to undo the damage of deregulating over 90 policies in the last 4 weeks.I sure did -- oh, no, no, no, I have not on that. But I know his team was briefed. I didn't speak to him personally about that, but I know his team was briefed. We're in touch with the Obama transition team a lot. And I don't feel any -- I don't feel any intrusion whatsoever, because he knows what I know -- I'm -- our administration still will be making the decisions necessary until he becomes the President.
On missing the Presidency:

Well, I'll miss being Commander-in-Chief. I have gotten to be -- grown to be so appreciative of our military. It's hard to believe that so many kids, and some not-so-kids, have volunteered to fight in a war. And I'll miss -- and it's going to sound strange to you -- I'll miss meeting with the families whose son or daughter have fallen in combat, because the meetings I've had with the families are so inspirational. They -- I mean, obviously, there's a lot of sadness, and we cry, and we hug, and we occasionally laugh. And we share -- I listen to stories. But the Comforter-in-Chief is always the comforted person.
Believe it or not, I'll miss going to the hospitals as the Commander-in-Chief, and looking a kid in the eye, and have him say, heal me up, Mr. President, I want to go back in. And so, there will be a lot of these special moments that we'll miss.
What he didn't say is that he enjoyed going to mental hospitals. What sane soldier would say "heal me up, M.President..." He probably said, "Beam me up, Mr. President!"
Last statement:"I will leave the presidency with my head held high."
Unfortunately, the world might consider that an insulting gesture. It's either stupid or arrogant. George B**h is both.
Even though you've seen it, watch this video. It reinforces what the world thinks of George Bush:
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