Mistake? What Mistake? Rove Sends B**h Back To Neverland
It's an episode in American History that's a wry take on Peter Pan: The Little President Who Refused to Grow Up and Admit He Was Wrong!
B**h has been called an idiot, a fool, a jerk, a liar, a contemptuous cretin. This latest refusal to acknowledge reality now adds to all the negativity: spoiled and impetuous brat. A memo has gone from the Office of Neverland: in effect, it tells the entire B**H cabinet to stick with certain talking points.
(From Think Progress):
Gone are Abu Graib, FEMA and Katrina, Mission Accomplished, Gitmo, Valerie Plame, the housing market crash, weapons of "mass distraction" or the legitimacy of his first four years.Titled “Speech Topper on the Bush Record,” the talking points state that Bush “kept the American people safe” after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, lifted the economy after 2001 through tax cuts, curbed AIDS in Africa and maintained “the honor and the dignity of his office.” The document presents the Bush record as an unalloyed success.
The Washington Post’s Dan Froomkin writes, “The public has rejected him. The nation is in crisis — and eager for the massive course corrections promised by an Obama presidency. But none of this appears to have penetrated President Bush’s well-defended brainpan.”
Where's Captain Hook when we need him?
Just a thought.

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