The Post I Would Have Published
This is a copy of the post I would have published if Proposition Hate had been defeated.
What Do We Do Now?

I know how pessimistic I must sound in the face of victory. I'm not going to rain on everyone's parade, I promise. Let's celebrate! Let's dance in the streets! But later, be judicious and cautious.

They've preyed on people's fears through Judgment Houses and Hell Houses this last Halloween. They've spread lies about the "gay agenda" (was there ever a gay agenda? I don't remember one). For every sermon preached with its subject of "Love the sinner, hate the sin" there are thousands of sermons telling people to save their own souls by shunning the "heathen" the "outcast", the "pagan", the "feminist", the "homosexual". And the most sinister of them parrot how people can "change" if they really want to and have faith in God.
Hypocrisy is their stock and trade. Never forget (or forgive) Ted Haggard. Never forget Jimmy Swaggart. Never forget Senator Ted Stevens. Never forget Fred Phelps.
And NEVER forget Matthew Shepard. His real killers were in pulpits.
NOTE: The victory of Proposition 8 will only make Christofascists bolder and more overtly vicious in their attacks on homosexuals. Please people, be on your guard as never before.
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