To The List of Problems Ahead For Obama: Dobson's Civil War !
"War! War! War! This war talk's spoiling all the fun at every party this spring!
I get so bored I could scream!"
Some people are pushing the Culture War to extremes, using military terms and war metaphors to make any Scarlett scream with boredom:
(from: Crooks and Liars, Nov. 7)
This evening James Dobson's Focus on the Family Action sent out a fundraising email to members that likened the victories of Barack Obama and congressional Democrats in Tuesday's election to the Nazi bombing of England during World War II. The author of this vile letter is Tom Minnery, Senior Vice President of Focus on the Family Action.
- War in Iraq
- War in Afghanistan
- Severe Economic Crisis
- Increasing Unemployment
- Global Warming
- Breaking Points With Israel and Iran
- Worldwide Diplomacy Meltdown With The U.S.

In these last six months, Christofascist leaders (under Dobson's banner), teamed up with radical Republicans to incite latent hatred, racism, homophobia and xenophobia among millions of Americans. It seemed that you weren't patriotic enough or Christian enough if you didn't hate someone enough. Sarah Palin's rallies looked more like the "angry villagers" scene from Frankenstein.
They ARE the "bitter people clinging to their guns and their religion..."
Now Dobson and his cohorts publicly "lament" the election of Barack Obama.
By Art Moore, WorldNetDaily:
What would America look like after four years of a Barack Obama administration? "Hardship," "persecution" and "suffering" are among the prospects in a hypothetical letter from a "Christian from 2012" released today by evangelical leader James Dobson's political activist group Focus on the Family Action.

The strange part about Dobson's Civil War is his choice of weaponry: for himself and his generals, he uses the Bible, the idealized American Family (not the real one, of course - it's too defective) and self-righteousness. The soldiers in the field live on rations of falsehoods (in order to keep up levels of stupidity and gullibility), crackpot ideologies and any "outcasts" "heathens" "sinners" or "pagans" they can forage for. Their weapons are AK-47s, courtesy of the NRA and the Second Amendment.
Dobson's Civil War actually started more than ten years ago (the death of Matthew Shepard was the sign of things to come), but lately it has picked up enough steam to become politicized. The election was, of course, only a battle that Dobson expected to lose. His soldiers aren't as yet prepared for national battles.
Then again, maybe he's waiting for a kind of Joan of Arc to help him. We know that Sarah Palin has already heard voices.
These next few years will be hell for President Barack Obama.
Just as James Dobson intends them to be.
Just a thought.
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